City Of Olivet

Service Updates

Hours: Mon-Tue: 9am- 5pm, Wed: 1pm-5pm, Thu-Fri: 9am-5pm

TDD/TTY: 711

Police Department


The Olivet Police Department is located at 117 S. Main St. in the back part of City Hall. Officers can be reached here when not on the road.

The department consists of two sworn officers including the Chief of Police. Each sworn officer is MCOLES (Michigan Coalition On Law Enforcement Standards) certified as required by the State of Michigan, and they attend classroom and field training throughout each year to maintain their certification.

We're Here to Serve!

Often times citizens will advise an officer of an issue, after the fact, then say that they didn’t think it was an emergency and they didn’t want to bother the police. Though the thought is appreciated, our job is to Protect and Serve, and the best way to do that is to respond when an incident or situation is occurring. So, if it’s not an immediate threat to life or property, we encourage you to call one of the Non-Emergency numbers, and report the situation or incident. You can remain anonymous.

Phone Numbers to Call:

911 for all Emergencies

Non-Emergency Reporting/Calls for Service: 517-543-3510

Use this line when the nature of your call does not rise to the level of an emergency, but police service or prompt contact with an officer either in-person or by phone is necessary.

General Business: 269-749-9961

Use this line for general inquiries, copies of incident/accident reports, FOIA requests, city parking violations, and other general and administrative type business. THIS LINE IS NOT MONITORED FOR REPORTING OR POLICE CALLS FOR SERVICE.

OPD News

Golf Carts

The City of Olivet has passed a Resolution, which allows residents of the city to operate golf carts on city streets. This does not include side-by-side vehicles such as the Polaris Ranger, Kawasaki Mule, John Deere Gators, etc. Those types of ATV’s can still, and must be titled and registered through the State of Michigan.

The “Owner” of the golf cart must be a resident of or doing business in Olivet, and the owner or authorized representative of a business must register the same. The golf carts do not have to be modified with additional equipment or insured, however, there are still rules, including traffic violations as set-forth in the Michigan Motor Vehicle Code, that will still be enforced by the Olivet PD and/or other agencies.

If you wish to register a golf cart or have any questions, you may contact the Olivet City Hall or Olivet PD between the hours of 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM.

T.I.P.S (Taking Information for Public Safety)

Unfortunately the police can’t be everywhere at once, and for this reason we humbly request assistance from the public.

Any and all information is welcome, and will be kept confidential. The information you provide may help in an on-going investigation, and lead to the arrest of a suspect. If we were not previously aware of criminal or illegal activity, the information you provide may lead to preventive action by law enforcement.

The Olivet Police Department is a sworn department, and charged with the duty to PROTECT and SERVE the citizens of Olivet. It’s for this reason that, though properly trained and experienced, we would be failing the citizens if we didn’t remain humble, and request help from the community.

If you have information regarding a crime that has occurred, or if you have information of a crime yet to occur, please provide your information below. Any and all information is appreciated, and should not be limited to the standard of proof. As insignificant as it may seem to you, your information may lead us to the proof we need.

Please provide your information below, and be sure to include all information you feel will help in a possible investigation; include: Date(s) or approx. Dates(s) if known, Nature of offense or events, Names of possible subjects involved (Descriptions if names unknown; known associates, etc…), Location (Include street names and/or addresses, area, etc…), Vehicle(s) involved (Plate number and/or description), etc..


Is it okay to contact you?(Required)
Name (If okay to contact you)

We Provide PBT’s

Our officers are usually on patrol, and may be tied-up on a call so call ahead or give yourself enough time to go to another PBT site.

Cost: $5.00 per visit – Must have exact amount.

Required: Must have picture I.D.

  • Eaton County Website – Prosecutor’s Office, tax information, District-Circuit-Probate and other court information, other county services and information…
  • Michigan Courts – Self-help information, FOC services, trial court information, Civil-Misd.-Felony information, other county services and information…
  • Michigan State Police – Sex offender information, crime prevention, safety and police services, criminal
    record search, and more…
  • State of Michigan Website – Links to state departments, travel information, events, and much more…
  • Tenants and Landlords: A Practical Guide – You will be taken to the Michigan Legal-aid website.
  • Human Trafficking.pdf – Human Trafficking Notification…Learn more about the signs and red flags…