City Of Olivet

Service Updates

Hours: Mon-Tue: 9am- 5pm, Wed: 1pm-5pm, Thu-Fri: 9am-5pm

TDD/TTY: 711

Department of Public Works

Do you ever wonder who mows all the city property, cleans up the parks, maintains the cemetery, plants flowers at the fountain park and City Hall, plows snow and salt roads, fills potholes, maintains water and sewer lines, performs water testing and assists residents when needed? That would be the Department of Public Works.


Our Department of Public Works (DPW) is responsible for maintaining and improving many things around the City of Olivet. The DPW has two full-time employees and one part-time employee who works hard to keep Olivet looking good and operating efficiently.


If you have driven through other municipalities, you can appreciate the condition of the roads in Olivet. The DPW keeps our roads well-maintained by keeping them plowed and salted in the winter months and filling potholes. They are also responsible for pavement markings, locating areas that need crack seal maintenance, trimming of trees in the right of way, street sweeping and sidewalk repair or replacement.


They are also accountable for maintaining our water and sewer systems. This includes water and sewer mains, the water tower, well houses, sewer lift stations and sewer lagoons. You will also see them four times a year out reading meters for utility billing. They comply with State of Michigan-Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) regulations and testing procedures for our water supply. Our workers also participate in training and educational meetings to keep up to date on changing regulations and the systems running smoothly.


There are many other tasks they do that most people don’t even think about like changing the flags on Main Street, helping the Chamber of Commerce put up the holiday tree in front of the Nelson building, picking up limbs in the streets after a storm, fixing broken park equipment, and helping run the Kanoe the Kazoo event.

If you see the DPW workers around town, give them a friendly smile and wave to let them know how much we appreciate everything they do for the city!


As the Department of Public Works (DPW) completes repairs and/or updates to the water system, it may be necessary on occasion to issue a boil water notice.  Measures are taken to avoid issuing a boil water notice whenever possible.  If a boil water notice is needed, the DPW works quickly to get the notice lifted, only after the water sampling shows the water is safe to drink.  Any area affected by a boil water notice will have a notice placed on their front door.  When the notice has been lifted, a lift notice will also be placed on the front door of the affected areas.

Updates are posted on the city website under the announcement/home page and on the “City of Olivet” Facebook page.

Recycling Information

Recycle Site – Recycling Site for Southwestern Eaton County information

Transit Station  – Walton Township Transit Station information

Cross Connection Ordinance